What Block Watch
Is and Is Not...

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What Block Watch is Not:

  1. Block Watch isn't only for home owners. One aspect of the program--upgrading home security--is more easily implemented if you own the home, since you would need to get the landlord's permission to make changes such as installing new locks. (We've found, by the way, that landlords tend to be more cooperative in making security changes if you have a formal home security inspection and can present the landlord with an official Seattle Police Department report with security recommendations.) But the other two aspects--engraving an identification number on your property, and the Block Watch concept of neighbor watching out for neighbor--are just as important for renters as for home owners.


What Block Watch Is:


It's as simple as that, but very effective. Independent studies have shown that an active crime prevention program which includes Block Watch can reduce the likelihood of your home being burglarized by up to 60%.


Seattle Police Department

Community Crime Prevention

